The well-being of our dedicated carers is at the forefront of our approach since the Coronavirus emerged in the UK. Our care management team has been providing unrivalled levels of support so that carers feel safe in and out of their placements and are kept up to date with latest guidance.

We are so proud of every one of our carers. Their response has been incredible and many of them have been happy to self-isolate with their clients to ensure they get the continuity and consistency of care they deserve and to protect them from the virus. This commitment has been truly outstanding.

Carer safety is paramount

Live-in care is provided on a one-to-one basis in the safety of an individual’s home so the risks to our dedicated carers is significantly less that in a care home setting or for carers providing visiting or hourly care with a domiciliary care provider.

However, we continue to ensure we are following the latest Government guidance to ensure risks are controlled and managed.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE has been made available to all our carers should they need it. Carers are not required to wear PPE when delivering care to our clients in their own homes.

Regular communication with our carers

We send a weekly bulletin to our carers to ensure they have the information they need to do their jobs safely. These updates provide information across several areas enabling our carers to be up to date on all practices, as well as sharing compliments, offering training, sharing best practice and inspiring acts of kindness. Carers who are not currently working for us also receive this communication, so they are kept informed for when they come back to work for us.

Managing training

We have adapted how we provide our weekly induction training programme to new carers joining Oxford Aunts. Whilst we have continued to deliver our weekly programme, we have scaled back the numbers attending to ensure social distancing is maintained.

Ensuring our carers
own health and well-being

At Oxford Aunts we are proud of the creative approach we have taken to embrace events and initiatives during this time that are focused on ensuring our teams maintain their own personal well-being:

Self-care kits

Carers have access to online self-care kits to promote positive mental health and support with relaxation.

Championing well-being

During the pandemic, our senior trainer has become a dedicated well-being champion providing extra support to our carers. She has written several well-being articles for our weekly bulletin and adopted other well-being activities to help them at this time.

Online library – Press Reader

We know the pleasure that reading brings to both our clients and their carers. All our dedicated carers and clients have been given free access to PressReader, an online library of over 7,000 newspaper and magazines.


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