Responsive to changing
healthcare needs

At Oxford Aunts we adopt a multidisciplinary approach to how we provide care to our clients. Our Care Assessors local to you, with your Care Manager in Oxford will work closely to support our carers whilst they are living with you to provide care, in addition to supporting you and your family. We know that this unrivalled support means that when concerns are identified due to changing health or care needs, we are able to quickly respond, and with the client’s permission contact the right healthcare professionals or community support services required to help meet changing needs.

Whether you have a change in your ability to mobilise or have had a fall, which requires OT support and new equipment in your home, or you have had surgery and require specific rehabilitation from a physiotherapist, or a skin problem needs a review by a tissue viability nurse, you can be assured that we will work with the right healthcare professionals to address your specific needs.

Working collaboratively with
healthcare professionals

All our carers have previous care experience, and many of them have been nurses so have excellent observational skills to understand what is required to address changing needs. They will know when to alert the right people to changes, which an inexperienced carer may not. The care management team and carer will be familiar with local services, including GP’s, pharmacists, district nurses, continence services, the speech and language therapy team (SALT), occupational therapists and physiotherapists. They aim to develop local relationships that ensure a highly responsive multidisciplinary service to our clients.

Avoiding unnecessary
hospital admission

With our observant and experienced carers who can identify changes in health needs and respond quickly and efficiently using this approach, we avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.


Call our friendly and approachable team today to see how we can help you and your family.

Website Star Ratings

Review score average of 4.7 based on 26 Trustpilot reviews as of August 2024

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